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VideoQuartets << Number, Form and Life
Number, Form and Life (#Q394)
Rupert Sheldrake

Were there any "laws of the universe" at the time of the "big bang?" Oxford trained biologist Rupert Sheldrake, Ph.D., author of A New Science of Life and The Presence of the Past, says that all laws developed as "habits" over time. Thus the universe and its laws can be seen to be continually evolving. In this view the theory of evolution can be applied to physics, chemistry and cosmology.
Jill Purce

Jill Purce is author of The Mystic Spiral and editor of the Arts and Imagination series published by Thames and Hudson. A former biophysics researcher at the University of London, she traces her investigations into the subject of patterning in nature, with an emphasis on the role of sound vibrations. The program concludes with a demonstration of an ancient Mongolian "polyphonic" chanting technique.
Arthur M. Young

Numbers are more than abstract representations of quantity, but also have a qualitative dimension. Philosopher and inventor Arthur M. Young, author of The Geometry of Meaning and The Reflexive Universe has developed a "theory of process" which integrates science with ancient teachings. He discusses the descent of spirit into matter -- and the ascent back to spirit --through four levels which correspond to point, line, plane, solid; fire, water, air, earth--and other classic fourfold patterns.
Richard Grossinger

To truly understand our spiritual origins we must look to nature -- for our most intimate relationship is with our own biology. Richard Grossinger, Ph.D., is author of Planet Medicine and Embryogenesis. Social and environmental problems, he says, are the inevitable result of our biology. However, consciousness itself is new factor in our biological evolution and may lead us to change our behavior and open up our future options.
$69.95  $49.95
Four complete programs
120 minutes

"Biology has a very spiritual quality to it, because we have to ask not how would the God we imagine, or the forces we imagine spiritually have created us, but how did they?"
--Richard Grossinger 

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