The Web of Life (#H140)
Many new trends in the field of biology--including systems theory, complexity theory, chaos theory, the Gaia hypothesis--suggest a new approach to the understanding of living systems. this view of our intimate involvement with the web of life can lead us toward ways of living that are ecologically sound.
Fritjof Capra, Ph.D., is author of The Tao of Physics, Uncommon Wisdom, The Turning Point, Belonging to the Universe and The Web of Life. He is director of the Center for Ecoliteracy.
The Emerging New Culture (#S180)
Best-selling author of The Tao of Physics and The Turning Point, physicist Fritjof Capra, Ph.D., discusses the new "wholistic" culture that has emerged in the late twentieth century. He argues that the biological sciences, quantum physics and systems theory will provide a theoretical foundation which will supercede the decaying culture based on a linear, mechanistic worldview.
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"Not only a shift in consciousness, but also a shift toward consciousness, or toward mind -- a mindful universe, a universe of consciousness, of spirit, a spiritual, conscious universe. " --Fritjof Capra |