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Jean Houston, Ph.D.

Possible Human, Possible World (#W175)

DVD $34.95
90 minutes
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We are living at a unique historical moment when the cultures of the entire world are available to us, and we are challenged as we have never before been. In Part One of this two-part program, Dr. Jean Houston describes the range of human capacities that are found in different cultures. She focuses on language as an expression of the way societies cultivate human potential.

In Part Two, Jean expands upon the learning experiences she had with Margaret Mead, elaborating on her own experiences working with different cultures. To illustrate her work in human capacities training, she leads an exercise called "Cleansing the Doors of Perception." Then follows a powerful poetic reading by actress Peggy Nash Rubin. Jean then elaborates on how these experiences may call forth within the viewer new visions and deeper understandings.

Jean Houston, Ph.D., is founder and director of The Mystery School, a program of mythology and culture. She is past-president of the Association for Humanistic Psychology and also director of the Human Capacities Training Program. She is author of numerous books including Search for the Beloved, Godseed, Lifeforce, Mindgames, Listening to the Body (coauthored with Robert Masters), The Hero and the Goddess and The Possible Human.
This DVD is also available as part of a special offer:

Odyssey of the Soul (#S713)

DVD $18.95
30 minutes
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As we encounter the archetypal world within us, a partnership is formed whereby we grow as do the gods and goddesses within us. Jean Houston, Ph.D., suggests that the wanderings of Odysseus represent the deepening of the warrior male ego into the feminine mysteries.
This program is also available in the VideoQuartet:
Living Your Myths (#Q444)
EXCERPT: Possible Human, Possible World

"We are living in the most complex times in human history. I realize other times in history thought they were it. They were wrong. This is it."
--Jean Houston 
EXCERPT: Odyssey of the Soul

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