Towards an Eco-Psychology (#W245)
Modern psychoanalysis and existential therapy view human beings as essentially creatures of alienation in a hostile universe. Roszak suggests that a psychology that fails to examine ecological relationships is incomplete. He points to the anthropic principle in cosmology as providing a central place for human beings in the universe. The Gaia hypothesis in systems theory evokes lyrical poetry in suggesting that the planet itself may be viewed as a conscious, self-regulating being.
Roszak proposes that in our psychological depths we are deeply connected with nature. He suggests that a greater balance in our relationship with nature will naturally accompany healthier relationships between the genders and greater individual psychological health.
The late Theodore Roszak, Ph.D., was professor of history at California State University, Hayward. He is author of numerous books including Where The Wasteland Ends, The Making of A Counterculture, Person Planet, The Cult of Information and The Voice of The Earth.
The Cult of Information (#S160)
Our real educational and cultural needs are in danger of becoming lost in the erroneous fascination with the information processing model of the mind. One of America's foremost social critics, Theodore Roszak, Ph.D., author of The Making of the Counter-Culture, Eco-Psychology and The Cult of Information, delivers a scathing indictment of the over-selling of computer and high-tech ideology to the American public.
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"So my article of faith is that at a very deep level the human psyche is grafted to the planet out of which we evolve, that there is what I call an ecological unconscious. Now whenever we invoke the unconscious, the depths of the unconscious, what we're essentially doing is pursuing a philosophical discussion of human nature. We're asking what makes people tick, what are the foundations of human behavior?" --Theodore Roszak |