Thinking Allowed host Jeffrey Mishlove is a licensed clinical psychologist, an accomplished radio and television interviewer, and one of the most erudite and articulate personalities on television. He is the author of an encyclopedic volume of consciousness studies, The Roots of Consciousness.
He is keeping up the flame as host of New Thinking Allowed, an ongoing YouTube based series.
Dr. Mishlove is a past director of the Association for Humanistic Psychology, and has served as President of the Intuition Network.
Jeffrey holds the only doctoral diploma in parapsychology to be awarded by an accredited American university (University of California, Berkeley). A revision of his doctoral dissertation, Psi Development Systems, was released in 1988 as a Ballantine paperback. This book evaluates methods purported to train psychic abilities. He is also author of The PK Man.
Jeffrey teaches parapsychology to ministers in training with the Centers for Spiritual Living (formerly the Church of Religious Science) through their Holmes Institute. His avocations include financial forecasting (see his occasional Forecasting Systems newsletters), hiking in the Mojave desert and karaoke.
Jeffrey Mishlove email: friends@newthinkingallowed.com
New Thinking Allowed: www.newthinkingallowed.com
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