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Dennis Jaffe, Ph.D.

What Makes Work Meaningful? (#S202)

DVD $18.95
30 minutes
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Today, more than ever, workers are demanding a sense of self-actualization on the job. Dennis Jaffe, Ph.D., is a past-president of the Association for Humanistic Psychology and author of Healing from Within and Take This Job and Love It. He suggests that each of us can find as much meaning, commitment and passion in our work as in other areas of our lives.
This program is also available in the VideoQuartet:
Optimal Performance (#Q354)

"If one person is giving you trouble, he's usually giving everybody else around him trouble as well, and you can begin in kind of a nonsubversive way to begin to bring other people together, and sometimes you can't say something one-to-one, but you can bring some people together and begin to open up a dialogue, or help a person act differently."
--Dennis Jaffe 

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