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VideoQuartets << Therapeutic Alternatives
Therapeutic Alternatives (#Q344)
George Fuller-Von Bozzay

The purpose of biofeedback is to train us in making internal distinctions which we can then achieve without need for cumbersome equipment. George Fuller-von Bozzay, Ph.D. is director of the Biofeedback Institute of San Francisco and author of several books. He eloquently describes the role of biofeedback for medical treatment, relaxation and personal growth.
James Bugental

Humanistic-existential psychotherapy is a journey toward greater wholeness and aliveness. James Bugental, Ph.D., the first president of the Association for Humanistic Psychology, is author of The Search for Authenticity, Psychotherapy and Process and several other seminal books. The client in this process does not necessarily alleviate symptoms or change behavior--but rather completes therapy with a larger sense of who he or she is.
Bernie Zilbergeld

Psychotherapy, says Bernie Zilbergeld, Ph.D., has been oversold and overused. Research suggests that therapy is actually of limited value. The late author of The Shrinking of America and Mind Power points out that individuals seeking personal transformation must be motivated to work hard and make changes for therapy to be effective. Psychological insights and temporary emotional relief do not generally lead to lasting behavioral changes.
Stanley Keleman

The characteristic attitudes we take in life are reflected in the postures and attitudes of our body. Stanley Keleman, author of Somatic Reality, Your Body Speaks Its Mind and Embodying Experience, is director of the Center for Energetic Studies in Berkeley, where many psycho-therapists come for training in his approach. He presents a five-step process for recognizing and then changing our various postures.
$69.95  $49.95
Four complete programs
120 minutes

"You can't make a plant grow by pulling on it, but what you can do is clear away the weeds, be sure it gets nutrients and sunlight, water, and then the inward growth process will have a chance to operate. Well, it's the same with all of us, with human beings."
--James Bugental 

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