Somatic-Emotional Therapy (#S305)

The characteristic attitudes we take in life are reflected in the postures and attitudes of our body. Stanley Keleman, author of Somatic Reality, Your Body Speaks Its Mind and Embodying Experience, is director of the Center for Energetic Studies in Berkeley, where many psycho-therapists come for training in his approach. He presents a five-step process for recognizing and then changing our various postures.

Spirit and Soma (#S325)

The human organism and the biosphere are part of one system, says Stanley Keleman, a leading pioneer of psychotherapy from a somatic perspective. In this profound interview he discusses the unity of spirit and soma (or body) in the life process.
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"We have to be touched by our living process, and not mistake our self-reflecting brains -- that is, the brain that we have that looks back on its own process that created it -- and think that it's the creator."--Stanley Keleman |