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VideoQuartets << Living Philosophically
Living Philosophically (#Q374)
Jacob Needleman

The essential tension between our material and spiritual natures is often forgotten as we pursue contemporary concerns. Jacob Needleman, Ph.D., author of The Heart of Philosophy and The New Religions, points to Socrates as the ideal philosopher who, through his questioning, brought people to an appreciation of deeper strata of awareness.
Arthur M. Young

How can there be separate things in a universe that is interconnected? How can we be separate beings in a universe created by God? Arthur M. Young, inventor of the Bell helicopter, is the founder of the Institute for the Study of Consciousness and author of The Reflexive Universe. Young suggests that the ancient dieties act in our psyches as forces which unite the individual with the universe about us.
Huston Smith

Huston Smith, Ph.D., author of Forgotten Truth and The Religions of Man, delineates the common threads that run through spiritual traditions of all cultures. Because the science of acoustics has nothing to say about beauty, he says, does not mean that Brahms isn't beautiful. Similarly, the notions of the soul and spirit persist regardless of their lack of relevance to a modern, materialist world view.
Jane Rubin

Philosophers have questioned how one can live a meaningful life in a social milieu that lacks clear values. One response is to define oneself by accepting as a role model one who is truly committed--such as Christ or Buddha. Jane Rubin, Ph.D., teacher of religious studies at U.C. Berkeley, contrasts this approach with modern existentialists who view an idealist approach to life as an escape from authenticity.
$69.95  $49.95
Four complete programs
120 minutes

"With the advent of modern science, I think we've discovered a near-perfect method for learning about the physical reaches of reality. The danger is that our excitement at what we're discovering and what we can do there will divert our attention from other regions of reality which continue to exist whether we attend to them or not."
--Huston Smith 
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