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VideoQuartets << Frontiers of Psychic Research
Frontiers of Psychic Research (#Q404)
Russell Targ

Remote viewing is the process whereby individuals, with no previous training or experience, are able to successfully describe randomly chosen targets at remote locations. Russell Targ, a laser physicist, is one of America's foremost parapsychology researchers and co-author of Mind Reach and The Mind Race. He discusses the history of remote-viewing research and the practical applications of this ability.
Jerry Solfvin

There is a growing body of solid research in the field of psychic healing. Jerry Solfvin, a parapsychologist associated with John F. Kennedy University, describes various experiments showing positive healing results -- even when there was no healer present. Solfvin hypothesizes that positive expectations may play a very important role in psychic and spiritual healing.
Marilyn Schlitz

Studies show that many people can exert a mental influence on the physiological activity of others in distant locations. Marilyn Schlitz, a parapsychologist and anthropologist, is a executive director of the Institute of Noetic Science. She suggests that this phenomenon, known as biological psychokinesis, may be the basis for much of what is known as psychic healing.
Jean Millay

Jean Millay, Ph.D., has combined biofeedback studies with psychic testing. An artist and filmmaker, she designed a unique brainwave biofeedback device to synchronize the brain's two hemispheres and to synchronize brainwaves between two people. Dr. Millay discusses the relationship between brainwave functioning and telepathy and the types of distortion which often occur in telepathic communication.
$69.95  $49.95
Four complete programs
120 minutes

"The biggest favor that a scientist can do for another scientist is to successfully replicate his experiment"
--Russell Targ 

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