JEANNE ACHTERBERG: Imagery in Healing (#W003)
WESTON AGOR: Intuition in Business (#W198)
HAMEED ALI (a.k.a., A. H. ALMAAS): Exploring Personal Essence (#W062)
BERNARD J. BAARS: How Consciousness Functions (#W009)
JEAN SHINODA BOLEN: Archetypal Psychology (#W204)
PRICE M. COBBS: Understanding Prejudice (#W102)
ELEANOR CRISWELL: Somatic Yoga (#W308)
MIHALY CSIKZENMIHALYI: Flow, Creativity and the Evolving Self (#W372)
GAYLE DELANEY: Understanding Your Dreams (#W330)
LARRY DOSSEY: The Art of Healing (#W004)
RIANE EISLER: Reclaiming Our Past, Recreating Our Future (#W035)
ALBERT ELLIS: A Guide to Rational Living (#W008)
EDITH FIORE: The Unquiet Dead (#W415)
STANISLAV GROF: The Adventure of Self-Discovery (#W127)
THOMAS HANNA: Unlocking Your Body (#W307)
JEAN HOUSTON: Possible Human, Possible World (#W175)
W. BRUGH JOY: Healing and the Unconscious (#W335)
PIR VILAYAT INAYAT KHAN: The Rapture of Being (#W052)
JAMES M. KOUZES: Leadership From Within (#W197)
U. G. KRISHNAMURTI: The Mystique of Enlightenment (#W050)
GEORGE LEONARD: Awakening Your Body's Energies (#W356)
STEPHEN LEVINE: Conscious Living/Conscious Dying (#W343)
JOHN C. LILLY: From Here to Alternity (#W295)
ROLLO MAY: The Human Dilemma (#W002)
TERENCE MCKENNA: A Magical Journey (#W061)
DAN MILLMAN: Living As A Peaceful Warrior (#W355)
ARNOLD MINDELL: Process Psychology and Your Dream Body (#W202)
RAYMOND MOODY: Life After Life (#W417)
MICHAEL MURPHY: The Future Evolution of the Body (#W150)
KENNETH R. PELLETIER: Health and Your Whole Being (#W347)
STEPHEN PINKER: Language and Consciousness (2 hrs.) (#W400)
JOSEPH RAEL: Being and Vibration (#W333)
RAM DASS: Compassion in Action (#W176)
ROLLING THUNDER: The Unity of Man and Nature (#W063)
MARTIN ROSSMAN: Healing Yourself With Mental Imagery (#W352)
THEODORE ROSZAK: Towards an Eco-Psychology (#W245)
ILANA RUBENFELD: Mind Body Integration (#W305)
O. CARL SIMONTON: The Healing Process (#W007)
JUNE SINGER: Boundaries of the Soul (#W005)
KATHLEEN SPEETH: The Psychodynamics of Liberation (#W068)
HAL STONE: The Total Self (#W125)
MICHAEL TALBOT: Synchronicity and the Holographic Universe (#W130)
JEREMY TAYLOR: How to Conduct a Dream Workshop (#W331)
COLIN WILSON: The High and the Low (#W135)
ROBERT ANTON WILSON: Consciousness, Conspiracy and Coincidence (#W140)
FRED ALAN WOLF: Shamanic Physics (#W405)
ARTHUR M. YOUNG: Astrology and Science (#W032)
GARY ZUKAV: The Seat of the Soul (#W212)