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Native Peoples
Michael Harner: The Way of the Shaman (#S059)
     Ruth-Inge Heinze: Twentieth Century Shamanism (#S704)
     Gay Gaer Luce: Ancient Tradition in Modern Society (#S093)
     Joseph Rael: Being and Vibration (#W333)
     Rolling Thunder: The Unity of Man and Nature (#W063)
     Malidoma Patrice Somé: African Ritual and Initiation (#H320)
     Charlene Spretnak: States of Grace (#S726)
     Luisah Teish: The Carnival of Life (#H110)
     Fred Alan Wolf: The Dreaming Universe (#H370)
     Fred Alan Wolf: Shamanic Physics (#W405)
     Gary Zukav: The Seat of the Soul (#W212)

Fritjof Capra: The Web of Life (#H140)
     Jane Caputi: The Fates of the Earth (#U100)
     Daniel Quinn: Saving the World (#H050)
     Rolling Thunder: The Unity of Man and Nature (#W063)
     Theodore Roszak: Towards an Eco-Psychology (#W245)
     Elisabet Sahtouris: Holistic Biology (#H030)
     Malidoma Patrice Somé: African Ritual and Initiation (#H320)
     James Swan: A Kinship with Nature (#S703)

Deborah Kesten: Feeding the Body/Nourishing the Soul (#H190)

Paradigm Shift
Fritjof Capra: The Emerging New Culture (#S180)
     Stanislav Grof: A New Paradigm of the Unconscious (#S040)
     Willis Harman: Global Mind-Changes (#S090)
     Beth Jarman: Breakpoint and Beyond (#S720)

Keith Harary: Practical Applications of ESP (#S260)
     Julian Isaacs: Psychokinesis, or Mind Over Matter (#S285)
     Jean Millay: Brainwave Synchronization and ESP (#S290)
     Dean Radin: The Conscious Universe (#H195)
     Milan Ryzl: Learning to Use ESP (#S240)
     Marilyn Schlitz: Biological Psychokinesis (#S286)
     Michael Scriven: Explanations of the Supernatural (#S280)
     Russell Targ: Miracles of Mind (#H205)
     Russell Targ: ESP, Clairvoyance and Remote Perception (#S245)
     Charles Tart: Understanding ESP (#S270)

Past Lives
Edith Fiore: The Unquiet Dead (#W415)
     Edith Fiore: Past-Life Regression and Spirit Deposession (#S410)

Peak Performance
George Leonard: Awakening Your Body's Energies (#W356)
     Michael Murphy: The Future Evolution of the Body (#W150)
     Dan Millman: Living As A Peaceful Warrior (#W355)
     Kenneth Pelletier: Health and Your Whole Being (#W347)
     Lee Pulos: Qualities of High-Performance (#S196)
     Bernie Zilbergeld: Mind Power (#S215)

Perennial Philosophy
Hameed Ali (A.H. Almaas): Exploring Personal Essence (#W062)
     Peter Dawkins: Francis Bacon and Western Mysticism (#S077)
     Gay Gaer Luce: Ancient Tradition in Modern Society (#S093)
     Stephen Mitchell: The Gospel According to Jesus (#S728)
     Huston Smith: The Primordial Tradition (#S048)

Personal Development
Hameed Ali (A.H. Almaas): Exploring Personal Essence (#W062)
     Seymour Boorstein: Psychology and Spiritual Paths (#S045)
     Lorna Catford: The Path of the Everyday Hero (#S716)
     Mihaly Csikzentmihalyi: Flow, Creativity and the Evolving Self (#W372)
     James Fadiman: Transcending Limitations (#S120)
     Helen Palmer: Personality Development and the Psyche (#S065)
     Joseph Chilton Pearce: Biological and Spiritual Growth (#S337)
     Virginia Satir: Becoming More Fully Human (#S123)
     Rabbi Zalman Schachter: Spiritual Eldering (#H015)
     Kathleen Speeth: The Psychodynamics of Liberation (#W068)
     Hal Stone: The Total Self (#W125)
     Gary Zukav: The Seat of the Soul (#W212)

Hameed Ali (A.H. Almaas): Exploring Personal Essence (#W062)
     Stanislav Grof: The Adventure of Self-Discovery (#W127)
     Hal Stone: The Total Self (#W125)

Hameed Ali (A.H. Almaas): Exploring Personal Essence (#W062)
     David Chalmers: The Conscious Mind (#H230)
     Albert Ellis: A Guide to Rational Living (#W008)
     Ashok Gangadean: Awakening the Global Mind (#H145)
     Rollo May: The Human Dilemma (#W002)
     Jacob Needleman: Spirituality and the Intellect (#S032)
     Jane Rubin: Self and Society (#S183)
     Huston Smith: The World's Philosophies (#H120)
     Huston Smith: Beyond the Post Modern Mind (#S113)
     Irvin Yalom: The Art of Psychotherapy/When Nietzsche Wept (#H285)
     Arthur M. Young: Value and Purpose in Science (#S112)
     Arthur M. Young: Evolution Determinism and Free Will (#S500)
     Arthur M. Young: Number and Meaning (#S462)

Murray Gell-Mann: The Simple and the Complex (#H465)
     Nick Herbert: Consciousness and Quantum Reality (#S470)
     Jack Sarfatti: Physics and the Paranormal (#H352)
     Saul-Paul Sirag: Exploring Hyperspace (#H295)
     Saul-Paul Sirag: Consciousness and Hyperspace (#S480)
     Fred Alan Wolf: Shamanic Physics (#W405)
     Fred Alan Wolf: The Spiritual Universe (#H200)
     Fred Alan Wolf: Physics and Consciousness (#S450)
     Arthur M. Young: Evolution Determinism and Free Will (#S500)

Haleh Pourafzal: The Wisdom of Haféz (#H232)
     Joseph Rael: Being and Vibration (#W333)
     David Whyte: Preserving the Soul (#H222)

Price Cobbs: Understanding Prejudice (#W102)

Psychic Abilities
Carol Dryer: Seeing the Soul (#S400)
     Marcia Emery: Unlocking Your Subconscious Wisdom (#H125)
     Keith Harary: Practical Applications of ESP (#S260)
     Julian Isaacs: Psychokinesis, or Mind Over Matter (#S285)
     Stanley Krippner: Psychic and Spiritual Healing (#S334)
     Judith Orloff: Psychiatry and the Psychic (#H260)
     Helen Palmer: Cultivating and Applying Intuition (#S230)
     Dean Radin: The Conscious Universe (#H195)
     Rolling Thunder: The Unity of Man and Nature (#W063)
     Kevin Ryerson: Developing and Applying Psychic Abilities (#S390)
     Kevin Ryerson: The Superconscious Mind (#S218)
     Milan Ryzl: Learning to Use ESP (#S240)
     Jerry Solfvin: Telepathic Healing (#S346)
     Russell Targ: Miracles of Mind (#H205)
     Russell Targ: ESP, Clairvoyance and Remote Perception (#S245)

Stanislav Grof: The Adventure of Self-Discovery (#W127)
     John Lilly: From Here to Alternity (#W295)
     Terence McKenna: A Magical Journey (#W061)
     Aliens and Archetypes (#S425)

Hameed Ali (A.H. Almaas): Exploring Personal Essence (#W062)
     Seymour Boorstein: Psychology and Spiritual Paths (#S045)
     Albert Ellis: A Guide to Rational Living (#W008)
     Stanislav Grof: The Cosmic Game (#H105)
     W. Brugh Joy: Healing and the Unconscious (#W335)
     Rollo May: The Human Dilemma (#W002)
     Arnold Mindell: Process Psychology and Your Dream Body (#W202)
     Helen Palmer: Personality Development and the Psyche (#S065)
     Theodore Roszak: Towards an Eco-Psychology (#W245)
     Virginia Satir: Communication and Congruence (#S118)
     Virginia Satir: Becoming More Fully Human (#S123)
     Huston Smith: Psychology of Religious Experience (#S030)
     Hal Stone: The Total Self (#W125)
     Frances Vaughan: Spirituality and Psychology (#S010)
     Roger Walsh: Psychology of Human Survival (#S110)
     Michael Yapko: Memory, Suggestion and Abuse (#H425)

James Bugental: Humanistic Psychotherapy (#S003)
     Albert Ellis: A Guide to Rational Living (#W008)
     Stanley Keleman: Somatic-Emotional Therapy (#S305)
     Rollo May: The Human Dilemma (#W002)
     Judith Orloff: Psychiatry and the Psychic (#H260)
     John Weir Perry: Visionary Experience or Psychosis (#S060)
     Virginia Satir: Communication and Congruence (#S118)
     Virginia Satir: Becoming More Fully Human (#S123)
     Frances Vaughan: Spirituality and Psychology (#S010)
     Irvin Yalom: The Art of Psychotherapy/When Nietzsche Wept (#H285)
     Michael Yapko: Memory, Suggestion and Abuse (#H425)
     Bernie Zilbergeld: Putting Psychotherapy on the Couch (#S121)

Quantum Physics
Fritjof Capra: The Web of Life (#H140)
     Murray Gell-Mann: The Simple and the Complex (#H465)
     Amit Goswami: Quantum Creativity (#H333)
     Nick Herbert: Consciousness and Quantum Reality (#S470)
     Charles Muses: Time and Destiny (#S460)
     Saul-Paul Sirag: Exploring Hyperspace (#H295)
     Saul-Paul Sirag: Consciousness and Hyperspace (#S480)
     Fred Alan Wolf: Shamanic Physics (#W405)
     Fred Alan Wolf: Physics and Consciousness (#S450)

Hameed Ali (A.H. Almaas): Exploring Personal Essence (#W062)
     Albert Ellis: A Guide to Rational Living (#W008)
     Donald Michael: Challenging Assumptions (#S116)
     Michael Scriven: Thinking About Thinking (#S140)

Peter Dawkins: Francis Bacon and Western Mysticism (#S077)
     Edith Fiore: The Unquiet Dead (#W415)
     Edith Fiore: Past-Life Regression and Spirit Deposession (#S410)
     Sukie Miller: After Death (#H155)
     Raymond Moody: Life After Life

Margo Anand: The Art of Ecstasy (#H020)
     Virginia Satir: Communication and Congruence (#S118)
     Patricia Sun: Conscious Relationships (#H250)

Janelle Barlow: Stress Management (#S208)
     George Fuller-Von Bozzay: Biofeedback and Self-Control (#S216)
     Eleanor Criswell: The Mind-Body Connection (#S300)

Matthew Fox: Creation Spirituality (#S049)
     Neil Freer: Who Were the Gods? (#U017)
     Willis Harman: Science and Religion (#S114)
     Pir Vilayat Inayat Khan: The Rapture of Being (#W052)
     Lawrence Kushner: The Source of Consciousness (#H135)
     Stephen Mitchell: The Gospel According to Jesus (#S728)
     Jane Rubin: Self and Society (#S183)
     Rabbi Zalman Schachter: Spiritual Eldering (#H015)
     June Singer: The Gnostic Treasure (#S715)
     Huston Smith: The World's Philosophies (#H120)
     Huston Smith: Psychology of Religious Experience (#S030)
     Charlene Spretnak: States of Grace (#S726)
     David Steindl-Rast: Human and Divine Nature (#S727)
     Stan Tenen: Geometry of Language (#H777)
     Stan Tenen: The Origin of Sacred Alphabets (#U777)
     Irina Tweedie: Spiritual Training (#S058)

Anna Halprin: The Power of Rituals (#S340)
     Malidoma Patrice Somé: African Ritual and Initiation (#H320)
     Luisah Teish: The Carnival of Life (#H110)

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